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The Colour Orange

“Where Red is the Fire, it is Orange that welcomes us to it…”

Although the hottest colour on the colour wheel, it is the brighter side of yellow and a careful mix with red that makes it flamboyant, warm and full of energy.

It is the colour of hot summer sands and juicy tropical citrus fruit that nourishes the soul and quenches the thirst. Orange encourages oxygen intake to the brain and is often associated with intellectual ambition.

Orange is also the colour of autumn, and spices with Copper Gold and earthy tones on the one side, and rusty Bronze on the hotter side.

In Ancient China, orange symbolized life’s joys and was believed to possess magical properties.

Orange is Red brought nearer to humanity by Yellow. It generally has either very strong positive or negative connotations, and evokes feelings of either ‘love it’ or ‘hate it’. It stimulates activity and appetite and encourages socialization. 

Orange Oasis

Orange is the Happiest Colour!

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Orange is a colour most fitting for winter events, as it warms where there is cold. In the summer heat, too much hot orange can make guests feel claustrophobic. Burnt orange was popular in the interior design of the seventies. Use with pink, yellow and red for an eastern or oriental setting with gold trimmings. With brown, green and yellow, orange adds to a cozy autumn setting.